Thursday, January 29, 2009

Valencia Street Hipsters Vs. Their Wordrobe: American Apparel

American Apparel (APP) wants in on the quirky/cool Valencia Corridor, but if the community has their way, the shiny purveyor of leopard lycra stockings will be forced to look else where.

American Apparel, which opened 80 stores last year, and saw their same store sales revenue rise over 5%, is trying to open its fourth store front in San Francisco. The community is against large chains from setting up shop in their 'hood, a stance they've held since 2006, when an overwhelming majority voted against such business.

On the other end of the argument are these people. Many home owners feel the new business generated will have a positive impact on the business community and wont lead to a proliferation of Wal-Marts and Lane Bryant super-size centers.

Welcome to city planning, rescession style.

For more on the subject check out SFist.

heat Map borrowed from Priate Cat Radio-

In 2006, San Francisco voted on added restrictions for chain stores. 2006’s Prop G can be viewed as a referendum on chain stores. It passed with 58.2% of the vote.

The vote in the Mission was overwhelmingly opposed to chain stores–between 70% and 90%!

The proposed American Apparel on Valencia is actually across the street from District 9 in District 8. But that area also voted over 80% for Prop G.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Neighborcity Issues It's Monthly Neighborhood Report Card

Earlier today Neighborcity released its monthly Neighborhood Report Card and it appears that San Francisco's housing market is at a cross roads. Over the last 6-months Housing inventories rose 15%, yet the medium home price actually rose just over a percentage point. One culprit could be the banks, who's reluctance to make Jumbo loans available has the average home sitting on the San Francisco market for well over 90 days. Distressed properties fell slightly, down half a percentage to 10.9%.

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