Thursday, February 26, 2009

Spotlight on Fairfax: The Last Bastion of America?

Fairfax, Marin County. To those whom haven't been, imagine the very essence of low key, tight knit and late seventies architecture with throw backs to the hippie conclaves who made their homes there around the same time. The result is a sunny and active community that doesn't even have parking meters.

It's central advantage is it's distance from the secular ties of San Francisco and Marin proper, where big money and centralized business dictate home price. It's away from freeways but close enough down Sir Francis Drake where commuting is still plausible. Such a location has kept the median home values around $750,000 and attracts working class idealists that make it a gem for families and atypical bay area residents. Firefighters, non-profits, activists, musicians and artists all call this place home.

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